
How We Found Out I was Expecting

Have you started yet? Ever heard that question? My ahah moment happened after Kevin asked me this while we were vacationing in San Diego. No…crap. Usually I wouldn’t think twice like its no big deal, this time was different. We put it off thinking with all the traveling and time zone changes it could have thrown it off. “If you haven’t started when I get back from my business trip next week lets take the test.” Sounded good to me but for some reason the question lingered in my mind. After we got back from our AMAZING California trip I still hadn’t started and Kevin was leaving the next morning to hopefully close a big deal he had been working on for several months. I agreed we would take a test when he got back Thursday night from his trip but as soon as he left Wednesday morning I went and got a test. My entire life was about to be determined by a stick you pee on.

At first I didn’t want to look in fear my feelings were right during our Cali trip and I also wanted to watch only one little line show up relieving me of pure anxiety. So I choose to watch my destiny unfold before my eyes. One clear solid blue line showed up. Yay! YES!!! Sigh of relief….wait. What is that? A ever so faint second blue line was also there. Shock, Disbelief, I needed to get reassurance from someone who has had a baby. So I call a friend of mine and it is 6:30 a.m. her time. “This is an emergency check your snap chat!” I said to her. Waited a few minutes and she blurts out, “Oh my gosh you’re pregnant!” That is not what I was looking to hear. “If there is even the smallest of a second blue line, you are pregnant. Those things don’t mess up.” Great. I let her go so she can get ready and get her little one up for the day and start crying. Every emotion (and hormones) was running through my body and mind. How did THIS happen?! ….Ignore the obvious. The worst part was I couldn’t tell Kevin until he got back from his trip 40 hours later and we talk all day every day.

Not much happened that day. I laid in bed all day until later that evening when I had a dinner date with a friend. We meet at a really swanky fun place and found two seats at the bar where we post up to chow down. “Are you drinking?” No, I’m detoxing from the trip. Lie. We hadn’t seen each other in forever and were catching up on everything going on in our lives. She could tell something was off and I couldn’t actually say the words “I’m pregnant” out loud yet so I texted her and told her to check her phone. “Oh my gosh! Have you told Kevin?!” I couldn’t tell Kevin because he had a huge meeting the next morning and I didn’t want anything to distract him and throw him off guard during it as much as it was killing me. I had to tell somebody!! So we continued our dinner and plotted out possible options on how to tell Kevin and what his reaction would be.

The next day after his big meeting we are talking and Kevin being the amazing guy he is, is telling me about the date night he has planned for us on Friday. He said we were going out to the wineries to grab some wine and pick out pumpkins to carve. He knows how much I love wineries and all the fun things of Halloween season, had his research done on the best ones and everything. So I had to pretend like it was an amazing idea (which it was) so he wouldn’t pick up on the fact our lives were about to completely change. UGH! Couldn’t we have done this like before I was pregnant!?

Side Note: It is really difficult to write this down with our biggest blessing sleeping right next to me as I rock him. Trying to recall my exact feelings from that time are altered because he is here now and my love for him is unbounding. Which is why I wish I had started a pregnancy journal and I go over that here.

So Thursday night rolls around and Kevin was picking me up from work. I was so excited to see him! Keeping my cool, I didn’t say a word unless he asked a question. Because that isn’t obvious right? So still not being able to say the words “I’m pregnant” I sent him a message. Probably due to the fact I was still processing it and in total shock. We got to a red light and he goes to check his phone and I screamed out, “NO! Don’t look at it until we get to the house.” He gives me a puzzled look and agrees. I didn’t want him driving us into oncoming traffic or something. As we park the car my hands are shaking uncontrollably as he goes to read my message. I could barely breath I was so nervous. Breath Sarah breath. Gulp. He looks up. Doesn’t say anything for a minute or so then, “seriously?” I could not even write the words I’m pregnant to him so I had said, “There is a mini you inside of me.” Original I know. Looking back it is pretty funny those were my chosen words to tell him we were having a baby. He was so calm about it and said, “We’re pregnant?” Yes. I could finally say the words after hearing him say it and my nerves were eased.


The BEST surprise we could have ever asked for. EVER. Leave a comment or send a message on how you and your family found out you were expecting. I love hearing these stories!