Hi all mommas out there! How have you been? Wonderful I hope. It has been a while and I am so sorry! Life has happened and other exciting things. If you have been wondering where all the posts have gone…they are back! Woohoo! Where have I been? Well a quick update on what we have been up to these past couple months. Let’s see, we have road tripped, traveled multiple times, and dun dun we moved!
First we didn’t move far, we moved closer to the beach and a more relaxing location. It is AMAZING! We have a ton of parks, restaurants, cool things to do. We are super close to the beach and a bunch of

different beach towns. Needless to say, we are ecstatic about our new place! We moved in, then went straight to Texas. Finally, the place is coming together and we are getting to take Michael out and play at the park daily. Eek!
Let me catch ya’ll up on our trip to Texas. It was an absolute blast ya’ll! It is a whole new ball game traveling with Michael now and I will be writing a new post about it soon, so stayed tuned on that post. We flew over there on Frontier and we were so pleasantly surprised by how nice their new planes are! You hear all the horror stories about how much they nickel and dime you (which they do), but every airline seems to be steering that direction so why not pay the best price right? Once we got to San Antonio, which is where I’m from, we saw my family who I hadn’t seen in WAY too LONG! There is a place with my favorite nachos that is an absolute MUST when I go home to

visit called El Chapparal. As the night went on we caught up and laughed over margaritas until it was time for Kevin and I to head to an old stomping ground and see an old fav..The Randy Rogers Band! The show was a blast. We danced the night away and had a much-needed date night out. The fun didn’t stop there we were able to have, count them 2 date night/days! Since we live in a different state than our families it doesn’t happen often! Kevin has a background in College basketball and we spent the day down at Final Four on the Riverwalk. Oh what a blast it was! I can say we haven’t gotten the chance to walk around with no plans in a century it feels like (totally not true but the feeling is real). Kevin caught up with a bunch of friends he hadn’t seen in a good minute and I was LOVING being back in my home city soaking up the flavor and the weather. When you go to visit the Riverwalk there are a ton of great restaurants to try out, if you’re going for Mexican food it will all be about the same (good and touristy) but the difference is in the margaritas. Ritas on the River has some tasty ones. County Line is the place on the river to grab some great Texas BBQ, and if you’re looking for a night life (you know for those getaways without the littles), no worries, San Antonio has an abundant amount of options. There is always a reason to have a fiesta in SA.
After our fun date day and nights, it was Easter! Michael was just the cutest (of course) and ah my heart was so full getting to spend time with family and just enjoying being home. We got to crack some casacrones and of course I won 😊. Cascarones are common in Mexico and throughout southern Texas. Usually done around Easter and Fiesta season in San Antonio. It is a hallowed- out egg filled with confetti that you can crack over someone. A total blast to say the least! My dad and mom cooked one of my favorite meals, just some good home BBQ and all the fixin’s. YUMM! It was a short trip for us as we were only there from Friday evening to Tuesday afternoon, but we soaked in every second we could. It is never easy leaving Texas and I highly doubt it ever will be, Once a Texan always a Texan. Have you ever heard the song, “you can take the girl out of the honkytonk but you can’t take the honkytonk outta the girl”? TRUTH! I try explaining this to Kevin but he still doesn’t get it lol. As sad as I was to leave, we have another trip coming up in just a few short months and I was excited to get home and finish setting up the new place!
Now while all of this has been going on I also launched something I am super excited to share with you mommas! You know I am a 100% advocate on self-care and making sure we mothers take time out of our day to have our own time. If you didn’t, now ya do. It is so important as women and mothers to make sure each and every day we get our “10 minutes” of alone time. Really we need an hour but if 10 is all I could get you better believe I’m taking it! There are a ton of reasons mothers don’t get the self -care they need, myself included, and it isn’t something easily explainable to those who aren’t in the same role. First there is mom guilt, major mom time stealer! Then that crazy thing called time, woah is that a major thief! Are there really ever enough minutes in the day? I wake up before everyone and go to sleep after everyone and there still aren’t enough hours left! Ok rant on lack of time over… but there are a ton of factors and excuses we tell ourselves why we can’t have me time or nice things. If you are reading this right now and agreeing with everything I am saying… you need to TREAT YO SELF woman!
Seriously though, you really do because you are one of the many mommy victims who strives to be a great and perfect mom (which you are btw) and you are putting yourself on the end of the list. It is easy to do I know. So I have been working HARDER than a MOTHA to bring to YOU a very special and unique gift. Something that isn’t out there yet, but something we are needing so badly! Ever wondered how much easier it would be if you had just an hour of “me time”? There is a present now, delivered to your door every month so those excuses you feed everyone why you can’t have “mommy time” can be eliminated! As they say, excuses sound best to those that create them. Those excuses I was telling myself why I couldn’t go enjoy myself, “oh I just don’t have enough time” “it isn’t worth the effort” “No you will surely burn the house down while I am gone for an hour” … yea those excuses are total rubbish. Throw them in the trash and say hello to a slice of mommy heaven delivered to you every single month! We are all going through seasons of motherhood, each one with a unique story. This gift is a game changer in the mommy world and you are getting to be the first to know about it! You can see more on the page itself and I’ll be going over in more detail my story behind starting such a needed gift.
Anywho, I am BACK and mommy tips are coming your way! PS: a huge factor of coming back is Michael has FINALLY started sleeping through the night!! Hallelujah! Most nights he is sleeping through, there are still a few he will wake up at some insane hour but it only took almost 10 months to gain our sanity and sleep back! ….akldfjasdkfajslk. <— Really this is all I have to say about lack of effing sleep for almost a year. So, STAY TUNED and make sure to check out the special gift I am bringing you and RESERVE yours for Mother’s Day! It will be the BEST thing you ever did for yourself. Promise! As always beautiful, cheers!