
A Letter to My Best Friend


In life as a woman in her mid-twenties and older, expectations have changed drastically. The traditional role as a woman with children is so different from when I was a child to what expectations are today. With this being said, thank you to my best friend for my new role as a mother with two very different high expectations from two very different generations. When I say best friend I’m not talking about the one I have been friends with through decades. I’m talking about the best friend who’s been my rock, my ride or die, my gentleman, my shoulder to lean on, my reminder that this life is abundant. My confidant, my biggest cheerleader, my key to love, my partner in what they call life. The father to our son, my voice when I have been silenced, my smile when life has taken it from me, my go-to for all my needs. My supporter, the one who willingly takes the weight off my shoulders, my sexy idol, my spots guru, the ying to my yang, the one who is my kind of crazy and the one through thick and thin I know will be by my side and always have my back. You, my best friend keep my world spinning round. The nights we both get zero sleep, you have to work all day in a few hours and you offer to help me in sacrifice of those few blissful hours that would keep you functioning, so I can rest my head, thank you. The days you come home from a long, stressful day at work and selflessly offer to watch Michael so I can have a little break, thank you for those. You have done more for our family in the last year than most men have done their entire lives and for that I am thankful. I’m thankful for you. Ever since we have met its like we have known each other our whole lives. We just click. The Chipolt to me Le 😉 .  You my best friend make me the happiest girl in the world. From late night giggles with Michael, to super early mornings run by coffee we always find a way to make sure each other is smiling. From first class flights to a cross country drive, there is no one I would rather be the best co-pilot for (because I am obviously the best DJ). So many times you remind me how lucky we are to have each other. You bring out the best version of me and encourage me to pursue anything and everything I want to do. You are always thinking bigger and inspire me to do the same. I say all of this because being a mom in this day and age has so many different expectations and you let me live out being a mother to the best of my abilities. We do our own thing and you help me be the best mother to our son, thank you for being the most wonderful partner, father and friend. I love you. Cheers!

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