You are a mom, you are a woman, you are an individual with dreams and desires, which role do you find yourself in often? I am going to give a guess and say your mom role. Am I right? My name is Sarah, I am an individual. I have dreams. I have desires and I also have a son. I LOVE all of the roles I play in life, all of them. My number one role and most important role in life is being a mother. No matter what. Yes, I am an individual, yes I have dreams and goals and things I want to do, try, achieve but my number one role is a mother. Do I forget about those dreams and desires or my individuality? HECK NO! Why? I am the person that created my son and I want to be the example of doing and accomplishing anything and everything he desires. Have you lost sight of who you are? Have your dreams and desires been put on the back burner for “one day”? I am gonna go ahead and guess again, yes? It is easy to do as a mother isn’t it? The first few months of transitioning from being pregnant to becoming a mother there were so many days, hours, moments I wanted to just give up. Give up on everything. I was tired (that hasn’t stopped), I was going through the baby blues, I was uncomfortable in my body, I didn’t know what to expect, I was a mess. Have you been there? Maybe going through this scenario right now? I am here to help you momma. You know that phrase, “there is a light at the end of the tunnel?” Well, I am going to tell you, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel and you probably can’t see it just yet, you just have to know it is there. As you are embarking on your journey of motherhood I won’t say you will ever be the same person once your little joy comes out but you will still be you, as a mom. If you have ever met me, I usually try to be as positive as possible in all outcomes. Now I am human and have my moments of doubt, BUT I always find that light. As a mom don’t lose your light. As dark, lonely and lost you may be, know you ARE NOT ALONE we are ALL in this journey together and there is light at the end of the tunnel. What is one of the easiest things you think on your vision
board you could get accomplished? Do you enjoy going to grab a margarita with friends and haven’t in a while? Maybe you like to just enjoy being outside or binge watch your favorite show. GO DO THOSE THINGS! Do the things that make you happy, it doesn’t have to be full out if whatever you enjoy is extreme, but say you do enjoy going outside, go sit outside and nurse your baby if that is what stage you are in. God wouldn’t put a dream and desire in your heart if he didn’t believe you could accomplish it. I really feel God gave me my calling once Michael was born. I had a new purpose and new WHY. It is easy to get lost in the mom role, it never stops. ALL THE TIME. Just earlier I was going to try and take a nap and sure enough as SOON as I got to my bed (not even in it) Michael wakes up ready to play. As soon as I want to get work done during the day is usually when Michael decides is the best time to NOT sleep. Mom role prevails! I don’t know about you but I am NOT a morning person, at least I wasn’t until I have been forced to become one. My mornings are my ME TIME. It is my time to get the things done I can’t get done during the day and things I enjoy doing for myself. I love now (it wasn’t like this about a month ago which is why I couldn’t lose sight of that light and that goes the same for you) I can get up a little extra early and accomplish the
things I want to get done without having any distractions. I am not talking about chores or any other motherly duties, I am talking about my “Sarah” stuff. I strive to get it all done before Michael wakes up for the day so I can play my most important role “MOM” to the best of my abilities! You know when you have a list a mile long to get done and your kiddo/s are being extra needy and just want all of your attention? You have those days too? Every day right lol. I get such bad mom guilt when this happens and have to check myself because I know my number one role is mom and I need to have my mind, body and attention in the moment with Michael. Being able to get my “Sarah” stuff done before he even gets up for his little man day has completely changed the game for me! Our time together isn’t half ass and he get’s my full undivided attention all day long! Guess what else, it is a BLAST! I am not thinking please take a nap so I can get x done or have some mom time, I am enjoying watching it all because what I do for myself is already taken care of. My goal for you, whatever you enjoy doing take time out each day to have some “you time” whatever
makes you, you, go do it. Each and every day. I know I wasn’t a morning person before having Michael, I could sleep until noon (I still could if I had a chance) but he wakes up between 7-8 every morning. I know this and I know I am going to be nonstop as soon as those little blue eyes open. My selfish time happens before they do or after he goes to bed. I sacrifice a little bit of sleep to enjoy things that make me happy. If you are feeling a little lost as a mother or haven’t found that light just yet, get up a little extra early or go to bed a little later and go do something for yourself. We already know we function on no sleep, so what is an extra hour of staying awake gonna do? If you are using that estra hour to have time for yourself you will start to see the light so quickly. You will start to seek happiness again and be AN EVEN BETTER MOTHER than you ever thought you could be. Why might you ask? Because you are getting a bit of all the components that make you, you. So mamma if you haven’t yet, make sure and subscribe to stay up to date. As always beautiful, cheers!