Motherhood, motivation

Being a PERFECT mom

First if you’re reading this CONGRATULATIONS! Honey the day you found out you were expecting God already made you the perfect mom for your child.

In todays day and age as a mother you are pulled in so many different directions on how, what, who, when and why you should do certain things with your baby, and on the other hand, everything you shouldn’t do. It isn’t just coming from one side of the spectrum either. You are getting your information from a past generation who raised kids in a much more open and easier time.  You are also receiving information on the so-called new ways.  Now the big question, who are you suppose to be listening to? We all grew up and are just fine right…well maybe just a few loose screws, but for the most part, we are! Can you believe you grew up with see-saws and drank from a water hose without dying? I am still here writing this and I loved drinking from a water hose, I was a kid! It was something different and exciting and I didn’t have to have manors while doing it. So our parents and grandparents are telling us and babysitting with these simple ways of how we were raised and contradicting so much of what the new and updated information is saying is “safe”. Today, if a kid drinks from the water hose, they may as well of drank cyanide! Or at least we would be getting looks as if that is what we were giving our kids. The play grounds today- how boring…yet safe. So which side do you go with and when? For what situation? How are we suppose to be this “perfect mom” in todays day and age?

These aren’t the only differences from the past pressing their opinions on us. Back then the woman worked from home, they were the nurturer of the house. Today the woman still holds this title, but on top of that, is supposed to also help provide for the family. So as a mom you are bringing home the bacon, cooking it, cleaning it and you better look good doing it. Where do we as mothers get our opportunity to be a woman? To not be stretched beyond our limits with expectations.

Today, with the media pressure of women bouncing back 2 weeks after having their baby and having their pre-pregnancy body back that quick…I mean who has those genes!  I didn’t get them and I’ll bet you didn’t get them either!, But we have an expectation that we should be bouncing back immediately or we are considered large. Is that even fair? HELL NO. It took our bodies 9 months (that is almost a year) to create a human, we created a freaking human!! Yet we are expected to be back to the same body we once had a year ago within less than the amount of time it took us to find out we were even creating a human?! How are we suppose to uphold this perfect mom expectation?

Today we are a fear driven society. The masses are controlled by fear today and a hit home target is a mother because we wouldn’t dare do something deemed unsafe for our babies! Now this is a whole other topic in itself but it is some truth. We shouldn’t do this and we shouldn’t do that because there was this one case study found and it killed that moms baby. It is a scary world we live in today that our kids can’t play safely outside anymore because all you see on TV is murders, rape, child abduction and negative output. Fear driven. How many times have you taken your kids to play? A bunch I’m guessing. Now there are a ton of crazy people in the world and I am always looking over my shoulder and have protection on me just in case but I also have educated myself on what to do in most possible situations. I am aware of my surrounding at all times and evaluate the situation of them before settling down, all the time. Kevin might even say I’m too cautious but with my baby you can’t be too safe right!? So how as mothers are we suppose to be a perfect safe keeper of our children who want to explore when all we are shown on television is the bad going on around us?

There is another big pull on us mothers today, should we breastfeed or not? Of course you should it is the best thing you can give your baby! But you shouldn’t do it in public, or let anyone know that you are breastfeeding. You should find a bathroom stall and go hide in there. You know we went to a baseball game at Dodgers stadium and I asked one of the stadium employees if they had a nursing room for moms and he had the audacity to let me know of a family bathroom I could feed him in. Seriously?! Now maybe I took it the wrong way but I was appalled on the fact he thought no big deal of feeding an infant in a bathroom was sanitary! ASDFDK! Ugh. Back in the day I feel like many mothers didn’t nurse their children. I have talked to many women my mom’s age and most said they didn’t nurse. Now you are supposed to nurse, breast is best and if you can’t shame on you they say. How dare they say that! There are so many women in the world that wish and yearn to be able to nurse their little ones and can’t for unseen reasons. But they are supposed to and are condemned by society if they don’t breastfeed. How are we as mothers suppose to perfectly feed our children when both sides of this spectrum are so hypocritical?

Guess what?! You mamma, you were created to be your child’s perfect mother. As soon as he started growing inside of you, you became his perfect mother. The day you started wearing stretchy pants every day because all other pants suck, you became his perfect mother. The day he came into this world he knew you were his mother and he knew you were going to raise him perfectly. You told him so all 9 months of his little life growing inside of you. The instincts for your baby that kick in, no one else can feel except you. That is being a perfect mom. If you breastfeed or give your baby formula, you are being a perfect mom. He is getting the nutrients he needs and is doing so through your guide. No one in the world can calm him the way you can because no one, no one is going to be a more perfect mom than you. You are a perfect mother despite all the media critiquing your every move and attempting to dictate how you should and shouldn’t raise your child. Don’t let the hypocrites leave you in fear of not being the “perfect mom”. There is no right or wrong way to raise your children. That is a loaded statement. As long as you are giving them all the love in your heart, showing them right from wrong, making sure they are getting enough nutrients to grow big and strong, and loving them again with all your heart, you are being a perfect mom. Keep trooping through the journey and remember, you are a perfect mom. 

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