Before having Michael, I did a ton of different research on baby bum care. What products to use, which ones were the safest, had the best reviews, etc. What I wanted to pride myself on was making sure Michael never had to go through diaper rash. Diaper Rash I heard was miserable for everyone involved. Baby is irritable, fussy, in pain, changing their diaper is worse than World War II. Didn’t really sound like something I wanted to experience as a parent. Like, “yea I’ll go ahead and just skip that portion of parenting. Thanks.” Well, they were right, diaper rash sucks! If you didn’t know, when your little bundle of joy reaches a certain age each diaper change turns into an all-out battle. Poop flying, peeing on the carpet, arched back tantrum battle. Each and every time. So if they haven’t reached this phase yet, enjoy it now! Any who, diaper rashes… they still stuck but I have found a preventative way to avoid them at almost all cost!
If you haven’t heard of Weleda’s Diaper Cream. Add it to your registry or go pick some up, NOW! We have been using it religiously on Michael and he hasn’t had any signs of a diaper rash ever. When there was a little redness (usually because Kevin didn’t put it on after a poopy diaper because he hates getting his hands dirty (you would understand if you knew Kevin lol but he does it every time now after learning the importance)) we just put on Weleda’s Diaper Cream and it would be gone within the next diaper change. Seriously though, this cream is magic for them. I’m sure you are wondering, well if Michael got a diaper rash how is this stuff so good? He didn’t get it from a normal diaper, he got a chlorine diaper rash his first time in a chlorinated pool. Poor baby!! It was horrible and looked so painful! Everything I had worked towards to prevent his little booty from pain came to an end. It was out of my control though and at least it happened before summer started! I also found out that it is pretty common to get a diaper rash from going in chlorine the first time. He has only been in salt water pools and never had any type of reaction before.

Getting a rash from chlorine is no joke nor is it an easy one to get rid of. At least in our case. Even worse we ran out of our Weleda’s Diaper Cream right when it happened! We started using Aquaphor which helped tremendously but didn’t completely make it vanish as quickly as possible. Three things I feel helps scratch the diaper rash fast are:
1. Get a fantastic cream like Weleda’s Diaper Cream and apply at every change
2. Let them have as much “air out” time as possible
3. Change the diaper frequently at every little potty
Having a great diaper cream that works well for your baby is going to prevent diaper rash from the get go. If your baby does end up getting one from something such as a pool like Michael did, have a couple different ones and see what works best to get rid of it. When we ran out of our Weleda’s we tried out a sample of the Boudroux Butt Paste and it was ok. Then we used Aquaphor which I started seeing a difference way faster and when our Weleda’s arrived his diaper rash was completely gone within a day and a half. Magic cream.

When we were letting Michael explore the world diaper free, I made sure to have a towel down our have him play on a hard surface that wouldn’t get stained and I could easily clean up if a mess happened. It’s risky business. Usually with boys, you can tell when they are about to go so I can cover him up quickly before it happens with number 1. Giving him time to roam without a diaper helps dry the skin and heal the rash. He also LOVES playing with no diaper on which is probably why he runs away as soon as I take his dirty one off to change him… diaper wars.
If a diaper rash ever occurs in your home, hopefully it doesn’t but if it does you’ll be going through diapers like they were a newborn. If you want to try and get rid of it as quickly as possible (and I’m sure you do) make sure at every potty incident no matter how small, change their diaper. Every little bit of trapped moisture is keeping your baby from having a happy non-painful booty. We easily went through 2-134 pack boxes of diapers while Michael had his diaper rash. Every time you change their diaper too, fan they little baby bum before putting the new diaper on to dry the area. CHANGE THEIR DIAPER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! This is a big key, just do it.
These are my 3 biggest tips to give ya’ll when experiencing diaper rash. It isn’t a fun time for either parties. They are crying, irritable and hate their diaper changed even more than normal. You are feeling guilty, bad and sad they are in pain. You want each diaper war to be over and it could take 2 of you to make one diaper change happen. Apply these tips above and your baby’s booty should be back to normal asap! Have you subscribed to get updated yet? Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to get updates on my latest posts and the exciting stuff happening with The Mommy Pockets! As always beautiful, cheers!