You know those days where time doesn’t even exist? The ones where you look up and holy cow it’s already 2 p.m. or omg it’s only 10 a.m. Those days? I had a bunch of those during Michaels first 6 months of life. Like… a bunch. I hear all the time about babies sleeping through the night or getting close to it around 3 months. This wasn’t the case with our little man. He was and still is, so excited about life and discovering new things that he wouldn’t nap, AT ALL. He would wake up around 7 a.m, and go to sleep around 10 p.m. Then he would wake up every few hours to feed. Everyone has their own journey with their littles and each is so different than the other. But man do I feel ours was a tough one. Not tough with him because he is the happiest baby but he just isn’t a sleeper. Which is the biggest adjustment hurdle I feel like in transition to parenthood. For us it was.
There were days Michael would be so fussy, I am positive he was testing my sanity. Ever been there?

AH! My biggest thing was reminding myself to enjoy the moment. It sure as heck wasn’t easy at points, like when he would wake up and as soon as Kevin left, he would start his insane crying nonstop. I remembered it was just a season and it too would be gone in a flash. If you are going through these first few months of new life, AH so exciting!! Isn’t it?! Ya’ll are learning about each other, what they like, don’t like, how they sleep (Michael still sleeps the same way), watching them develop a new skill. Oh, it is just the best! Remember these moments are so precious and so amazing and they go SO FAST to enjoy and soak up every little bit. The good, the great, the bad, the ugly, the smelly, all of it. I have said this in a past post and I’ll say it again. One time Michael was just losing his mind, I mean all out losing it. We were trying everything to calm him down and nothing was working. I was at the point of tears (he was 2ish weeks old and yes my hormones were all over the place) and Kevin just started laughing. It was really all we could do. Instead of yelling, or crying or getting upset about something out of our control, we just took in the moment and laughed our heads off. Guess what? Michael stopped crying when we did. So my advice and reminder to you today is if you are having one of THOSE days, laugh it off. Laugh at the horrible smelling diapers because it is pretty funny a baby could even produce such horrid. Laugh at the times when they are crying out of control because laughter really is the best medicine and cure. Also lightly blowing in their face can help bring them back to sanity 😉. Laugh at the moments that take your smile away because you will probably be crying a bunch. Even if it is the ugliest cry, smile all the way through because it is such a wonderful window of time you are in. Seiously though ya’ll, you can’t take everything too seriously. Yes, protect and be very cautious, but also remember they need to learn, discover and explore. They are going to cry and you won’t be able to fix it at times. They are going to do things that scare the bejeezies out of you just remember to smile and laugh through it.
You know I went and bought a brand new phone a week before Michael was due? I did. I wanted to make sure I had plenty of space for pictures! Ya’ll! I had over 2000 pictures in the first 2 weeks! Do you think I love my son? Lol. My point of that is, first make sure you have a brand new phone. No just

kidding. Take too many pictures! Take SO many pictures you have to empty your brand new phone a couple weeks after they are born. It is the most amazing thing to look back and see each day how Michael has grown and changed. It sparks the memories of the days like those listed above and reminds you how strong of a woman you are. Reminds you of all the amazing little mile stones they overcome and conquer. They help show you how precious your time really is. Those insane amount of pictures show you how amazing your little miracle really is. Guess what else? You’ll probably be the insanely crying out of control why they are laughing at you. May or may not have experienced this lol. Take too many pictures, you’ll regret not taking too many.
Eat. Eat all the goodness of everything you want! In moderation of course. Those first 6 months the biggest changes in your life are happening, you need to be able to indulge. If I had wanted a pizza, we would plan a night to have a pizza and I usually snuck some ice cream in the cart teehee. But we did have our cheat nights at least once or twice a week those first 6 months. Guess what again? It is perfectly fine to enjoy the finer things such as a pizza for dinner! Ever heard of that 80/20 rule, this is what you want to stick to when I say indulge in the yummy things. The 80/20 rule is pretty much telling you to eat good nutritious food 80% of the time and the other 20% of the time you can indulge in the fun not so good for you food. Why would I say to enjoy the cravings? It is for your sanity not your gut. Let’s be real, there are some long days and long nights in those first 6 months and if you are eating really strict and clean all the time, you will drive yourself strait into insanity. Maybe not really but when you haven’t had a great day and your sanity has already been tested, are you going to want to eat your chicken and asparagus or grab a nice deluxe pizza and veg out on the couch? ME, I’m gonna say pizza. Always lol.

Now make sure you are getting out of the house at least once a day! It is so easy to stay in those comfy pj’s and nursing tanks for an entire week, I know. Ya gotta get your booty up and get moving! Not only will it produce those feel good endorphins, fresh air is fantastic for your babies and the more fresh air the better they will sleep. Get your booty’s outside and take a walk around your block!
Alright mommas, take these little tips and apply them NOW! I promise it will help those baby blues, the desire to get out and making these apart of your new routine will make your heart smile. As always beautiful, cheers!