All the excitement, all the changes, all the lost sleep, and all the not so alone time you get to go through during the 9 months of pregnancy and your little ones first birthday will add up. It will add up to a change and shift in the way your love is shown, the way you interact with each other and the way you choose to spend your free time (usually catching up on sleep or being a vegetable). It is the best and most exciting times getting to be a parent. Watching Michael grow, explore, and learn over the course of his little life is so addicting and so beautiful. To say I am addicted to my little man is an understatement. Many of you may be in the same boat as me, you are so in love and so addicted to your littles you don’t ever want to do anything without them. They are apart of everything you do now, individually and as a couple.
A year and a half it had been since we got to enjoy each other’s company for more than a few hours. We got to go be a young couple again and fall in love all over again.
Those (I’ll round up) 2 years of change in your home can go 2 very different directions. Whichever direction yours went or is going did you think about taking a vacation during your first year of parenthood? I bet not. There are so many reasons why you would justify it is an awful time to do it! You don’t have the money, you don’t have the time, you can’t get away or you can’t find a babysitter. Those are all lies you are telling yourself. I promise. You can say funds aren’t as flexible as they once were. You may not see the time you have available or aren’t efficiently using. If you called up one of your little ones’ grandmas right now, I bet you without a doubt they would say yes get out of here now! Remember they have been down the road you are on and love their grandchildren more than you lol.
Kevin and I took our first trip away from Michael and it was only Thursday evening through Saturday morning. Some of you may be saying oh my gosh no way I could never leave them for that long! It isn’t that long. Some of you may be thinking I am a horrible mother for being selfish, eh I am selfish. I am selfish because I know I need to be the best version of myself to be the best mother to my child. We are selfish because we know we need to be the best role models for Michael and the best parents as a team for him. We are his example for life. At first when Kevin was talking about taking a little getaway I too was like NO WAY! I CAN’T be away from Michael that long! I don’t want to miss anything. What if’s started in my head again. What if something happens and we aren’t there? What if he says his first word and we miss it?! More times than not they will do many of their firsts with you around. And if anything were to of happened like our first trip to the E.R. I knew Michael was in fantastic hands and would be taken care of.
We had the most amazing and much needed time together in San Francisco. Thursday evening when I flew in, we went to Kevin’s work party, hung out with all of his friends and coworkers, and danced the night away (really until the clock struck 12 lets be honest we’re parents now). As a mom I LOVE to dance and listen to some fun good music or a DJ, it was the first time in a year and a half I got to get out and jam out to an awesome DJ!!! A YEAR AND A HALF! A little part of me came back to life that night. I remembered how much fun it was to let loose and jam with my bestie.
Friday we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day outside. It was sunny, clear skies, and a light breeze blowing. Perfect for exploring the city. Kevin loves San Francisco, like LOVES it. So he played tour guide and took me to some of the cool areas of town. Another thing I love doing while traveling is walking around a foreign city and finding cool local things. We walked so much that day! We went to brunch (yea this mom got to brunch whoop whoop) at a fantastic diner called Lori’s I recommend EVERYONE visit when you are there. After that we made our way around the town and he took me to Alamo Park where the painted ladies are. While we were brunching, I suggested we grab some wine and some cheese and do a snack in the park. Oh my gosh ya’ll, it couldn’t have been more perfect! Seriously, we had a picnic table facing the painted ladies overlooking all of the city! Ah, Kevin did good.
By this time it was getting chilly and we decided to head back to the hotel after our park excursion. We got to our hotel and took a little nap, yes I got to nap in the middle of the day and it was on MY OWN TIME. AMAZING! After getting ready it was about 7:45 and we found a place to eat that seemed really cool and kind of local. Tadich Grill was a fun and different experience! Another recommendation for when you are there! It is an old school place where the people tending to you are all grandpa like of age, they are so funny and sweet, and it is buzzing all around you. They have a huge bar/counter to eat on and a dining area, we sat at the counter top and enjoyed some cocktails and tasty dishes. One of the things I have always wanted to do in San Fran is find an old speakeasy. Kevin being the badass he is, found a super eclectic one under another cool bar. The place was so fun and the drinks…perfection! Check on the list! We strolled around looking for another cool chill bar that wasn’t crazy. Knowing the people we were prior to Michael, you wouldn’t believe we just wanted to hang out at a bar and relax. Well we did. We found another cool place and then ended at a fun live jazz bar! Talk about the perfect ending to such an incredible day! A year and a half it had been since we got to enjoy each other’s company for more than a few hours. We got to go be a young couple again and fall in love all over again.

They say the honeymoon phase dies after a while. Now in every relationship I believe it is the way you treat your relationship on if the “honeymoon phase” dies or not. Yes, You are not going to be learning all the new things about each other and your love will change because you get to know each other over time. Just because you are comfortable with each other doesn’t mean you don’t need dates, and communication, and flirting and all the other “honeymoon phase” buzz activities there are as ya’lls relationship grows. This is a whole other topic but having some alone time especially after changing the dynamic of your family is NEEDED! Let me repeat myself, it is NEEDED!

You don’t need a big extravagant getaway unless you want one. It can be a simple staycation maybe a little drive away from your town. You can get a list of great and affordable getaway ideas next week for ya’ll to add to your list! I can tell you though, add a trip to your plans within the first year of having a baby and if you are past that date, just add (I know) a much needed getaway for just you two. Kevin and I came back more in love with each other and more in love with Michael (if that were even possible). They say and I firmly believe travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. Check out how to save for a family vacation if you are thinking you can’t afford it. There are great tips in there for saving! Enjoy your moments with your little one and enjoy your moments ALONE with your loved one, they matter! As always beautiful, cheers!